Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer is Here!

Yesterday was the first day of Summer and the longest day of the year.  In our area summer finally made its appearance with our first day of triple digits.  And today was just as hot.  Despite the seasonally warm weather, we did get a good amount of work done today. 

We got more done on the pump house for the framing and it is almost ready for the siding!  We just need the electrical moved before we put the roof on.  Then come the gutters and an awesome rain water collection system.  Oh, and we can't forget about the solar panels! 

Our poor persimmon tree was sad when we got there.  Lack of water does tend to do that to a tree and being in a container does not help.  So we got out the shovel.  Then we upgraded to the tractor and auger. 

What would be a work day without some weed-wacking?  So of course we weed-wacked our hearts away.  We are moving out from the house and from the future site of the barn. 

I do want to mention that the bee hive is thriving!  Still waiting to put another super on top!  And our garden is doing well too!  Maybe we will even have some potatoes, tomatoes, squash and peppers this year!

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