Thursday, January 13, 2011

January Cleaning!

Today was a nice, cold and rainy in Bangor.  The rain gave us the opportunity to take some time and really clean up the house/shed.  I neglected to take a before picture but it was packed to the brim with "stuff".  It really was impossible to walk through the house.  Not true now! 

Dad and I assembled another metal shelving unit.  We put seven shelves on it spaced about a foot apart to accomodate the wood bins we have.  After we had the shelf up and the bins in place we started an organizing frenzy!  The big plastic storage bin of tools we have was separated and organized - all the hammers are together, the wrenches are by themselves, the welding tools have their own box and so do all our other tools!  The hoses were stacked neatly on top of the shelving unit and the old Camp Box just fit on the bottom shelf.  I emptied out the wheel barrow that the copper wire was thrown it and put it in the plastic storage bin that used to have our random tools.  We dug out a forgotten empty plastic storage bin and put our hoses with holes in it until we need the hoses. 

Now that we know what we have and where it is our future projects will be a ton easier!  The only thing left to do is label the bins and shelves.  Until next time.  God Bless!

 New-To-Us Lumber Rack!

Solar heater 

Our trailer all rainproof and winterized! 

 Our new organized splendor!

Our friendly neighborhood rooster (who seems to have lost his ladies)

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