It has been a couple weeks since my last post. We have had quite a few set backs in the past weeks reguarding the pump-house. First Dad and Dave went up to move the electrical panel from the little shack around the well to the inside wall of the new pump-house. It turned out to be more work and expense than any of us wanted to put in so we decided to leave it. We had picked up our metal sheeting for the roof so Dad decided they would put that on instead. One of the rafters we put up fell (I'm not sure what exactly happened) on the plumbing that connects the pump to the holding tank and broke the plumbing. The entire holding tank emptied and the pump is shorting out again. It is really frustrating!
Last Tuesday (June 28th) I had Summer Orientation in Chico and Mom and Dad went to the property to fix the broken plumbing. With only one trip to Home Depot in Oroville, the fix went smooth (even with the summer rain storm!) We also made the decision to use wood sheeting and tar-paper in addition to our metal sheeting. So the metal roof came off.
This past Wednesday, Dad and I put the wood sheeting up. I got the job of going up on the roof to nail the sheets on (one of the hazards of being a light-weight). We also cut the roll of tar paper into 3' x 12' sections. We were about 5' short, but after a trip to my Great Uncle Cecil's we have enough plus some for the next project!
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