Sunday, May 22, 2011

Release the Bees!

Last week the Sacramento Bee Store called to let my dad know the three pounds of bees he ordered were ready for pick up.  "Unfortunately", he had to pick them up on Friday which was not one of my days off.  So I went to work and Mom and Dad went to pick the bees up and set them up in their new hive at Hobble Rock Ranch.  It is kind of funny since it was Friday the 13th of many possibiilties for unfortunate events.  

When I got off work and got home I got a call from Mom and Dad to let me know they were just starting to "Release the Bees".  Although there is part of me that is truly excited about this event, there is a larger part of me saying "Run!  Run for your life!" since I have an irrational fear of bees.  No, really I am excited to learn to keep bees, harvest honey and market the products. 

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