Thursday, July 30, 2009

The past month or so...

So, once again I haven’t posted anything in a while. Though I haven’t been up to the property very often so I guess it’s not that bad. Since my last post not too much has happened. We have been working on clearing the property line on the far side of the property so that we can string the fence in the fall. Last weekend we acquired a small fridge and freezer that works. We set it up in the house/shed and plan on stocking it with soda, water and some snacks. I’m trying to think of anything else exciting….oh, the cows are putting on some good weight finally, it’s so nice to see them looking healthier.
Now I remember some other stuff we’ve been doing up there! Dad has been able to acquire horse manure from a contact at work so we take a truck load up every few weeks and work it into the area that will eventually be our garden! We do the same with our rabbit manure, on a smaller scale.
In wildlife news, we have finally heard the dreaded rattlesnakes! Ugh I hate the sound they make…it’s kind of creepy! When we finally kill one, Rachel get the rattle, then I get the second one. I think we should collect them and use them as part of the décor in the shop or house…just a thought.
Oh and now for the pictures I’ve been promising.