This past Saturday in Bangor was definitely fun! Dad’s friends at the Horseman’s Association gave use another load of manure to spread on our “garden-to-be.” This time Dad decided to use a tarp to just pull the manure out of the truck bed and dump on the ground…well it didn’t really work as well as we had hoped. First we fired up the old John Deere tractor and tied the tarp and tried to pull the tarp with the load of manure on top out…the tarp ripped on one corner. Tied it again, got back on the tractor, pulled. Ripped the tarp! It was so entertaining! I was enjoying myself immensely! Eventually, after totally trashing the tarp the manure ended up on the ground, ready to be spread out with the tractor.
Then we saw we needed to re-fill our water barrel…so I get the new 100’ hose (which is not of the highest quality) and Dad and I hook up the hose to the spicket and hook the other end into the water barrel. Then we turn on the water and to our great mistake, walk away. I should add that the water barrel irrigation experiment has worked out to great success! The shrub we set the water barrel next to has perked up and even has a few flowers on it! So after a while we kind of forgot about the filling of the barrel and Dad goes to take down the hill on the edge of the “garden-to-be” and I start talking to Mom and enjoying my blue Powerade. We I look up, I see the water barrel in the middle of falling over and the little spout coming off it shooting a stream of water into the air. I run to the spicket to shut of the water and then over to the fallen barrel which weighs-in at around 500 lbs! Dad tries to put it back upright with the tractor to no avail, so we wait for it to empty a bit before righting it by our own man-power (or Dad’s man-power I should say).
Oh, and I almost forgot! We got another 100’ roll of horse fencing 5’ tall (as tall as me!). Next weekend we plan to fence around the front gate then move on to the far side of the property (where there is absolutely no fencing) that Dad has been clearing out.
Another exciting event was our first time having to stop for a train on Lower Honcut Road! It was a long and FAST train!!! Kinda cool!!!
I hope everyone is doing well and stay tuned for my next post.